Zhaba Zhournal | |||||
Friday, September 05, 2003
Weighty matters J. and I have both lost quite a bit of weight in the past few monthshe through exercise and a diet of non-processed foods (which leaves out just about everything with fat and salt), and I mainly through being uninterested in eating. But we've recently both reached the dreaded Diet Plateau, and this morning, he said, "I've figured it out": I've figured out why it's so hard to lose weight after a certain point. This is your body's life savings. You've scrounged up all the change that was in the couch, you've gone through all the old pants to find the dollar bills that went through the wash, you've taken all the jars of pennies to the bank, and now you're looking at the 401K. And your body's saying, "You want me to give it up? Yeah, buddy. Make me." [ at 9:17 AM • by Abby • permalink • ] |