In progress.

PSA (11/19/03):
If you've been getting spam from someone with a address, please be assured that it's not from me. Someone seems to have hijacked my mail server; I've changed all my passwords and am hoping that will take care of it.

P.S.: Yo, spammer, you are so lame. A pox on all your IP addresses.

Home of my so-far-non-award-winning blog, Zhaba Zhournal.

Also of zeugmagirl's Heavenly Kate Winslet page,
which has been quietly getting hits while I thought no one knew it was there.

While you're here, read about the Evil Spam I discovered.

If you are looking for the good people of the Zhaba Facilitators Collective, they're at

e-mail: zhaba at zhaba dot com
© 2003 Zhaba Productions, so don't steal anything.